If you are owed child support payments from your ex-partner and are not satisfied with the actions and any delays taken by the Child Support Agency (CSA), we can help you.
Generally, it is CSA which should take actions to collect the child support payments for you. But in our experience, even a case on their priory list was not handled promptly from the client’s point of view.
We can contact and deal with CSA on your behalf and chase the child support debt against your ex-partner through the Courts. Our standard procedure is to obtain judgment against your ex-partner and apply for his/her bankruptcy.
Our costs for the first step of obtaining default judgment start from $1,500 plus GST plus disbursements.
There are various other ways to enforce the judgment than bankruptcy such as garnishee order, attachment order against wages and CSA’s overseas travel bans but we find that the bankruptcy application (or its threat) quite often brings about the desired outcome quickly.
Our costs for the second step of applying for bankruptcy start from $3,000 plus GST plus disbursements.
If you require our assistance, please contact us for a confidential discussion.